We design exceptional furniture that’s constantly evolving to keep up with the latest trends. We are built on fundamentals of experience, honesty & value. We started in the furniture business over 25 years ago, took a toll during COVID but are back with a bang. The values we cherish are to deliver a first-class customer experience, provide the highest-quality products at a superior value. We have built a strong, honest, transparent business that always puts the customer first. That's why we believe we can't be beaten on quality or price. ...
Same name brands for less, How?
How is Jenni Home able to offer same name brands and great quality furniture for less?
Jenni Home is a different kind of Furniture store. How are we different?
1. Furniture companies typically have a large number of physical stores and of course they have to pay for them. Which means YOU have to pay for them. But we don’t have stores. Jenni Home is our store. That means we can pass the savings to our customers, which is YOU.
2. Furniture companies have massive warehouses and thousands of employees and again, they have to pay for them. Which means YOU have to pay for them. We don’t have warehouses. Jenni Home ships directly from manufacturer and with efficient supply chain able to meet or beat traditional furniture store delivery times. This huge cost savings are passed to YOU.
3. Furniture companies spend millions of dollars on TV, Radio and other type of Ads and obviously they have to pay for those. Which means YOU have to pay for them. We don’t do that. Jenni Home is growing with customer reference and word of mouth. All the money saved in advertising is passed to YOU.
Sometimes the better choice is just simply in front of you
– Jenni Home. Shop with us and see the difference.

Maintaining our standards throughout the decades is what has and will keep our business moving forward for generations to come. Our commitment to quality at, Jenni Home Furniture, empowers us to be transparent in every aspect. We want to make every detail of our furniture, down to the frame, available to our customers so they are 100% confident in what they are purchasing.
In order to produce exceptional fine furniture, we use only exceptional materials. Our commitment to incorporating the best components in our designs is one of the reasons that the pieces we produce are destined to be cherished by the families, businesses, and organizations that commission them for generations to come.